Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report · plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (2025)

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (1)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

Australian Museum Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report Chris Lang July 2015

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (2)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

Table of Contents

> Summary 3

> Survey results 4

> Open ended responses 8

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (3)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

Summary 107 surveys of children aged 8-12 were completed during the July 2015 school holidays as part of designing a mobile

app for the upcoming Trailblazers exhibition about explorers from and of Australia. Some of the surveys were

completed by more than one child, usually siblings, and a few were completed by children outside of the target age,

either 7 or 13 years old. These were included in the below results.

The majority of children either owned or had access at home to a tablet - predominantly iPads (70% of those who

stated their device brand/model) - followed by iPhones (47%), often both of these (34%). Over half of respondents had

brought their device with them to the museum. Almost half were able to use their device at school, frequently

mentioning a BYOD policy for tablets or laptops.

Nearly half of respondents (52) stated that Minecraft was among their favourite apps. Clash of Clans (16), Crossy Road

(14), Instagram (10), “endless runners” Temple Run (7), Subway Surfer (6) and Minion Rush (6), Terraria (6) and

Piano Tiles (6) were the next most popular apps/games. Duration of play peaked at around half an hour.

More than half of respondents used games, videos, music and the camera function either “all the time” or “a lot”. Over

a quarter of respondents had used Instagram, and more than half had heard of it but had not used it. 83% had heard of

Twitter, with around 7% having used it. 9% had used Pinterest, and nearly a third had heard of it. None had used

iBeacons, and only 3 respondents had heard of it.

The most important factors looked for in apps were “fun”, price, the ability to share or play with friends, and aesthetics

(looks / graphics / design / sound). “Building” was also important (no doubt a Minecraft factor), as were “levels”,

“points”, “interactive”, “create”, “collecting”, “avatar”, “addictive”, all aspects common to the gamification design

framework which encourage continued play through feedback and customisation.

When describing what they would like to see in an app from us it’s important to note that apart from specific topics

(animals, dinosaurs, history), and “facts”, gamification aspects were the most commonly used terms used to, including

points/rewards, levels, challenge (quizzes/puzzles), customisation (avatars/characters/building), sharing, and exploration.

Aesthetics (graphics, sound etc) were less commonly mentioned.

More information about gamification can be found on our website at

museum/gamification-audiences-and-social-good. Results from a previous survey of teachers and the use of technology

in classrooms can be found at

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (4)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

Survey results

Note: “Other” was usually an iPod touch

Which of these devices do you own or use at home? - What brand/model?












Tablet Smartphone Laptop e-book Other I don't have any ofthese

Which of these devices do you own or use at home?



Did you bring it to the museum today?




Do you use it at school?



Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (5)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

What are your FAVOURITE apps or games for phones or tablets?

What are the most important things you look for in an app?


25% 25%17% 16%








< 5 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-30 minutes ½-1 hour 1-2 hours > 2 hours Don’t know / unsure

How much time would you usually spend using a particular app/game in a single session?

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (6)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

We're making a game for one of our exhibitions later this year. What sort of stuff would you like to see in it?


































0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Messaging (email / SMS / text)

Browsing the Internet






How often do you use these things?

All the time

A lot

A little bit


























0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%









Have you heard of or used any of these things:

I have used this

I have heard of this

I don't know what this is

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (7)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

What do you like about the Australian Museum?















-50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%








Population Pyramid

Male %

Female %







1% 1% 0%

Postcode region

Southern Sydney

Central & Northern Sydney

Western Sydney & Blue Mountains

Hunter & Central Coast

Illawarra & South East NSW

South Western Sydney


North Coast & Mid North Coast



Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (8)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

Open ended responses

Which of these devices do you own or use at home? - What brand/model? (e.g. iPhone 4S, Samsung Tab 3, etc)

• iPad air • iPad 1 • Acer tablets, Samsung Galaxy • iPad mini, iPad 2, iPhone 4 • iPad 2 • iPod touch, shared iPad 1 • iPhone 4 • Nokia, Surface, Windows • iPhone 5, iPad Air, Macbook, Acer, iTouch • iPhone, iPad • iPad mini • iPod touch, iPad air, iPhone 5S (mum's) • iPads • iPad 2, iPad mini, iPhone 5 (2) • iPod touch, Vodafone • iPad 3 • iPad • iPhone 5, HTC One, iPhone 5C • iPod touch • iPad mini • iPhone 5S • iPhone 4, iPad • iPad air, Android, iPhone 5S • Apple • iPad mini • Samsung S5, Samsung tablet, iPod 4, iPod 3 • iPhone 4S, iPad 4, Samsung S5 • iPhone 4, iPad mini 2, Kindle, Macbook Pro • iPhone, iPad • Samsung 5, iPhone 4, Dell • iPad (shared), iPhone 4 • iPad, iPhone 4S (old) • ipod touch, iPhone 4S • iPad, iPhone 6 • iPad 2 • iPhone 5, iPad (mum's) • iPad mini, iPad, iPhone 6

• iPad mini, iPhone • iPhone 5, iPad, Toshiba laptop • iPhone 5, iPad • iPad • iPad • Apple • iPad • iPad mini 2 • iPod touch, iPad • iPad mini 2 • iPad, iPod touch • iPod • iPod • iPad, Samsung Galaxy S5 • iPad, Dell • iPod • iPad Air 2, Laptop • iPod • iPhone 5, iPad Air • iPad, iPhone 5 • iPhone 5, iPad • Samsung 4 & iPad • iPad air, iPhone 6 • iPad, Huawei • iPhone 4S, PC • iPhone 5C, Microsoft • iPhone 4, Apple • Apple • iPad, Macbook • iPad • iPhone, iPad • Android • iPad • iPod touch, mini iPad, iPhone • iPhone • iPhone, iPad

What are your FAVOURITE apps or games for phones or tablets? - Open-Ended Response

• Minecraft, Hungry Shark, Driver Heads, Goat Simulator

• Subway Surf, Videostar, Temple Run, imovie • Flow Free, Minion Rush

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (9)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

• Minecraft, Subway Surfer, Survivial Craft, Crossy Road, Word Mania, Instagram, imessage, itunes radio

• Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Bloons Monkey City, Tyrannosaurs app (Australian Museum)

• Minecraft, Terraria, Tenten!, Clash of Clans, Don't Touch the Spike, Flow Free

• camera & lights, Spotify, imotion, action effects • FIFA, Pinterest, Piano Tiles, Crossy Roads • Skype, Minecraft, Jurassic World • Crossy Road, Hillclimb, Minecraft, Pacman, Tony

Tower, Terraria • Princess Palace Pets, Webfight, Pokemon • Sim City, Jurassic World, Dot Eater, Minecraft,

The Voice, Minion Rush, Fashionista • Temple Run, Dragon Vale, Minecraft, cool maths

game, Mathletics • Minecraft, Barefoot Atlas, slow motion, timelaps,

camera app • Balloons, tower defense, Truskate, Minecraft, Clash

of Clans • sport apps - FIFA,, Flappy Bird, Triviacrack • ABC iVew, Minecraft, imovie, Subway Surface • Candy Crush, Snapchat, Facebook app, Skype • camera, Instagram • Hayday, Minebuilder, Crossy Road, photo / camera • Minecraft, Prehistoric, Pony, Dragon, Wonderzoo • Fruit Ninja, Candy Crush, Fandom, Instagram • Minecraft, Clash of Clans, Hayday, Boom Beach,

FIFA 15 • Tenten!, Minecraft, Temple Run, Piano Tiles • Skate 2, Youtube • Crossy Road, Minecraft • Clash of Clans, Minecraft, FIFA • Minecraft, Skate 2, Pacman, Subway Surfer,

Youtube, Highway Rider • World of Tanks, Asphalt, Airborne 8, Traffic

Racers, Minecraft, Crossy Road • Makeup Genius, Crossy Road, Temple Run 2,

Minecraft, Eden • Roblox, Minecraft, Octogon, Sim City, Candy

Crush • don't have one • Crossy Road, Minecraft • Realm of the Mad God, Platypus Evolution • Asphalt Eight (racing game) • Highschool Story • Dragon City, Minecraft, Monster Legends,

Cooking Jam • math games, Lego club (rush) • Minecraft

• cat games • games, racing games, sport • iTube (music), Candy Crush, Backgammon • Minecraft • Jurassic World, Netflix, Minecraft, Youtube,

Temple Run • car games, plane games, animals, beauty salon,

animal games • Minecraft, sporty games (Head Soccer), contruction • Youtube, iView, Minecraft, Sims 3, Scrabble, My

Singing Monster • building things, convenient, layout, make things • AA (putnumbers in lines), Minecraft, Instagram • Minecraft, Hayday, Dragon City, Tiny Thief,

Crossy Road • Hayday, Minecraft, Fashion Story • Minecraft • puzzles, language Duolingo, strategy • Pokemon, Farmville, building games, dinosaur

games, Minecraft • Clash of Clans, Goat Simulator, Minecraft • Clash of Clans, Hill Climb Racing • Instagram, Kiki, Smule Magic Piano • Fruit Ninja, Subway Surface • Minecraft, Mario • Pandora • Cat Simulator, Dog Simulator • Temple Run, Minion Rush • Minion Rush, iview • Trigger Fist, imovie, Minecraft, Terraria,

Respawnables • Minecraft, Benjiman, Goat Simulator • Bull Rush, Reading Eggs, Temple Run • Terraria, Minecraft, imovie, Clash of Clans, Crossy

Road • Minecraft, Subway Surf, also any games creative

and they don't rush you • strategy games like Clash of Clans • Crossy Road, Minecraft • Clash of Clans, 8 ball ball, Injustice, stop motion,

Instagram, music • building & making cake app, imovie, pages,

research apps • Mineflix • Head Soccer, Minion Rush, Soccer Stars, SSG2 • Minecraft • Clash of Clans • Geometry Dash, High School Story • Facebook, Instragram, Bloons TD Battles • Minecraft, Crossy Road, Temple Run

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (10)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

• Minecraft, Doodle God, Clash of Clans • Minecraft, Mineflix, Crossy Road • Clash of Clans, Doodle God • Clash of Clans • Piano Tiles, Geometry Dash, Flappy Bird • Geometry Dash, Flappy Bird, Piano Tiles, Surfer • Educational • Minecraft, Cartoon Network Allstars • Colouring and Busy Shapes • Minecraft • Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, messages, aa, sn • The ones that connect things • Angry Birds • Sims, Wilder Quest • The Sims 3, Trivia Crack, 4 Pics 1 Word,


• Crossy road, Piano tiles, Terraria, Instagram, Angry Birds, Weather app, Boss 2

• Instagram, Zedge, Freemusic, Kik, Snapchat • Cow evolution, Minion rush, Minecraft • Minecraft, NBA Jam, Dessert Maker, Terraria, Fair

Food • Minecraft • Animal Jam, Plants vs Zombies, Star Wars Battle

Orders • minecraft, road blocks, safari, dinodigger • pixels, wordsearch (crossword), my paper plane,

plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft,

Slug it Out • Instagram, Snapchat • Dragonvale, Clash of Clans, Angry Birds

What are the most important things you look for in an app? (e.g. ability to share stuff with friends, how it looks, price etc. Whatever you can think of) - Open-Ended Response

• building, destroying stuff (building), explore, get reward, animations of animals

• rewards / winning / new levels, selfies on character • obstacles in the way, levels & rewards (costumes) • fun, interesting (not too simple - challenge), levels

& rewards, competitive (shared between people) • build a town, defence & attack through tools,

magic & spells • make things, replay, raid other peoples villages, be

part of a league, community • graphically organised, functional • choose players, realistic, winning, shared • avatar, adventures, talk to people, no rules • survival, creativity, mission, avatar, customised

level, "choose your own adventure" • respond to actions (realistic), play against people,

unlock levels • build your own world & addictive, make things,

design, funny noises, singing • points, build your own place, teaching language,

make-believe • create things involving imagination, search things

(animals, food / origins) • battling, interactive, plan ahead / tactics, upgrades,

achieve things, mission • favourite game, addictive, interactive

• swipe, avoid obstacles, killing mobs - building, taming pets

• simplicity, functional, display • contact, talking to others, occupied • build your own world / find villages, sounds -

realistic, collecting • doing it together, building things, dinosaurs,

factual, topic that they love, create animals • simplicity, fun • sport - team, connect with others, build things, join

alliances • challenging, music / sound effects, colourful /

bright, exploring, keep self alive • challenges, play with friends • fun • things that people say are good • building, exploring, racing, challenging • multiplayer, different game modes, online • play against friends (join in) • graphics, interaction, various outcomes • no ads, free • building abilities and infinite resources, a way to

win characters, multiplayer • play with other people, price • introduction of the game, graphics • rating (age and opinion), how fun, free

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (11)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

• make stuff, use points to buy stuff, looks good, want it to be easy and get hard

• ninja fighting • building stuff • free • price and maturity • usefulness, layout • animals, killing, building • sound effects, levels, build & create • how good, fun, avoid boring ones • control players, win & lose game, no app purchase • entertainment, virtual world, lord, creating villages • easy to hard levels • go up in levels, collecting things from farms,

building thigns • join as a member, unlock levels, upgrade • no rules, freedom • free • adventures, missions, fun, new creatures, building

stuff • look of the game, sharing with friends • graphics, it doesn't use internet (wifi, 3G etc), a

points system, use your own avatar • easy to use and fun • building, collecting tokens • quality and price • looks, price • look for apps that are free • fun, price • how it looks, price and to share • How it looks and interesting • How it looks, features, privacy, cost • Price. If it costs something forget it. If it's actually

fun to use for a long time • I like to look for how fun the game is and how

strategic the app is • imaginative, unlimited animals, prize box • cool graphics, sounds, different games, get to share

with people • easy to understand, simple but lots of info • myself

• fun, spend time versing friends • price, looks • I want to play with my friends • price • fun • need to be fun, interesting & play on. Play with

friends • talk to my friends • play stuff • how it looks • fun • engagement, games • price, challenge, with friends, minigames • Price, challenge, do it with friends, looks good,

mini games • Price, interesting, interactive • Price, Able to share with friends • price = free, how it looks • Small price and has adventures • Share things with my friend, latest fashion and like

music tv shows • fun • Price (free), fun, easy to use • fun / enjoyment • Free (price), Modern clean colourful design • The fun of getting past the next obstacle/level or

either the addictive bit • Social media, music • Free apps only & how you can interact with it • The ratings, How much fun it is, Interesting

design, Price, Playing with friends • Creativity, multimedia - sound & visuals • How it looks. The type of game it is • interesting, long, interactive • interesting, makes you think, fun • games, points, goals, pictures, moving things • calm sounds, bright colours, levels, winning, battles,

incentive • sounds • achievements, rewards, sounds

We're making a game for one of our exhibitions later this year. What sort of stuff would you like to see in it? - Open-Ended Response

• Minecraft - build, explore, adventure, discovering villages, rewards - diamonds & gems • similar to Temple Run, ships to Australia - first fleet, pick character, explore animals, discover places & rewards, outback /

beach, discover place - quiz • characters are animals, go through obstacles, collecting food, facts about character, wildlife sounds

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (12)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

• make your own characters, back story to character (explorer history), quest - meet people & find things, mission, medal (made out of sticks), unlock levels, win resources (rope)

• camp - exploring, extend camp beyond places, explorers, rewards for discovery of places & animals • quizzes - "was Captain Cook the first person to discover Australia?", fact sheets - read about explorers, map of the world -

what towns looked like when they were found • exploring (jungles), 2 adventurers collecting, lots of places and opportunities (left or right), facts, collectibles - different

weather, trees & animals (landscapes) • explore Australia like real explorers, native animals, pictures • build your own museum, go around and find animals (tap and see facts), night at the museum, dinosaurs > wildlife >

Aboriginal (levels), action, battles, unlock places to explore, click on thigns shows a video with facts, other players in the game, create your own museum, leaderboard, mini games, points / buy things / currency, when you find animals they go back to your museum (rare animals)

• open world - be a character on a ship to Australia with obstacles on the way, Q&A's along the way, collecting things, future & past, pieces in a puzzle, 3rd person, augmented reality, different parts of Australia

• adventures, swinging from vine to vine, go through jungle / forest without getting hurt, different obstacles, canopy, Q&A's, treasure + hunt = reward, trivia (eg which dinosaur / animal am I?)

• hidden treasure, clues along the way to answer questions, build your own character, different parts of Australia • a rainbow lorikeet, characters, build forts & tents, finding fossils, buying things with points, trading, sounds / volume /

music • free app, read history about animals, select time eras (sneak peek into history), browse through animals • explorer - find bones and make animals with bones, landscape, facts, avatar - choose from actual explorers, use your own

photo • pick an explorer, try to find things, levels, points • animals, tours, explore desert, finding other people, missions, reward - money, tap pictures of animals in a museum • rewards, trivia, leaderboards (shared) • facts (quick), habitats, answer questions to get through levels • interesting creatures, exploring land, points & trophies, levels, koala / wombats / cheetahs / parrots • survival, dinosaurs, extinct animals, choose character (animal), monetary rewards, facts • little dude that you move through a maze (landscapes), pick character • train warriors / explorers, fighting, exploring diamonds / gold, kill animals - survival, points, resources to make things • different animals / plants, hunting animals, points / coins, levels, tap on tree for facts • challenge, dinosaurs • being able to make different animals • chat • building, firing, racing, battles • touching screen, multiplayer, sound, learning while having fun, interacting • interactive, girl & boy stuff, cure animals, creative - design your own worlds etc • interactive, good graphics, puzzles, facts • all types of animals • building abilities, include true animal facts, a way to have pet dinosaur skeletons • animals, dinosaurs • dinosaurs • Pacific animals, dinosaurs • how it shows you the T-rex and the size, special effects, video dino, suspense • games with maths in them but so you can't tell • dinosaurs, birds • birds • animals, history, gold rush, prehistoric, convicts • first person, quest, go through levels, topic, dinosaur sounds matching displays, easy/hard section - age difference • facts

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (13)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

• rainforest, exploring, points, levels, rewards - unlock new things. find fossils, mission, reptile mark • birds, spiders, dinosaur skeleton, animations and moving pictures, info • different characters, adventure (real life) that explorers went on (Captain Cook), building huts • facts zone (Q & As), puzzles, educational memory game (reinforcement) games • a person in exhibition (avatar) to explore things, like Night at the Museum! • dinosaurs, crocodiles, snakes, avatar - exploring, finding animals • explore a world, type in name and become explorer - avatar, running & jumping • exploring for animals / worlds, dinosaur hunt, building in virtual worlds, creating animals, crocodile eating bird • history • activities about quizzes • new creatures, building a dinosaur • Quizzes, finding animals, cost, fun • taking photos, little animals • information about animals, ability to explore the habitats animals used to live in, interactivity with the animals • building a dinosaur • Steve Irwin • music and animals • dinosaurs, adventures • interactive things • multiple games, puzzles, quizzes and information about Aussie animals • velociraptor, interactive activities and fossils • dinosaurs, Minecraft • interesting facts, points • Greek, Roman and Egyptian cultures, interactive activities • Dinosaurs, mini ipad or device microscopes etc, animation of animals going about their usual day • I would like to see good graphics so you start of little with a kangaroo habitat and you collect more and more animals,

fossils, insects etc • find fossils, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people • dinosaurs, historical, aboriginal tribes, swimming with creatures, interact with animals • facts through it, explorers saying stuff like "horrible histories", info & pictures, history • games that you can play • sport games • a quiz and the power to free roam • that you can chat to friends • science games • Not all baby stuff. Adult stuff too, make it fun • Do a mission. Discover hidden treasures & exploring • me • shells, rocks and eggs • craft making game • dinosaurs • educational, game based, colourful • minigames, challenges, info, fun, music, mind tricks • challenge, racing, mini games, info, fun, mind challenges, mind tricks, music, magic • Snakes & dinosaurs • colouring, puzzles • To adventure about in a forest and swim in water on top of an animal • I would like to see an app that is fun but tricky. So it plays with your mind • Puzzles that make drawings of animals in the museum • animals, plants, oceans

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (14)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

• Animals, trivia and fun hide & seek • games, quizzes, missions • Pictures of amazing animals and their importance to suburbs/states/nations and the accessibility of the information • A part where you can text and meet new people. You can add romans and warriors • One that you could build your own dinosaur & then name it • Animal facts, make your own animals, catch your own animal, put animals in correct habitat, take a photo of an animal

and it tells you info, grouping things into species, slide your finger over picture to show past and then present • Videos, sounds, play - make, colours - movement, capture images to collect prizes • Dinosaurs, minerals • dinosaurs, history of explorers • discovery, goal oriented, stories • dinosaurs, animals, history • dinosaurs, dragons, exploring • Australian history, games • images, sounds, animals

What do you like about the Australian Museum? - Open-Ended Response

• velociraptor, decorations & animals • Kidspace, skeletons, dinosaurs • learn new things about animals • putting head in dinosaur jaws, models of animals • exhibition - minerals, dinosaurs • wombats • dinosaur, birds, skeleton, wildlife photographer • dinosaurs, sharks, crocodile • interactive aspect, live animals, very realistic • skeletons (interactive), indigenous Australia,

dinosaurs (computer) • gemstones & Wildlife Photographer, dinosaur

(favourite: brachiosaurus & giganotosaurus) • minerals, skeletons, Search & Discover, displays • bones, stuffed animals, Search & Discover,

dinosaurs • birds - realistic, what they look like, study close up • dinosaurs, computer, crystals • exhibits - non specific favourite • skeletons & skulls • Wildlife photography • animal - mammals, native Austraklia, interactive • watching videos in Aboriginal section, dinosaurs • dinosaur, T-rex • Wildlife photography • insects & birds • just walked in • the dinosaurs • fun, you get to learn about animals • i haven't explored much yet • dinosaur bones, bugs

• You can interact with things • cute animals - able to touch, lots of information • photos, "did you know?" • shells • My favourite was the crystals. PARENT NOTE:

My son is vision impaired. Large print & large images are excellent. Provision for vision impairment (not blindness) in young people is rare.

• Search & Discover • dinosaurs • Pacific oceans • dinosaurs • dinosaurs • dinosaurs • skeletons • cultural aspects, taxidermy • animals, exoskeletons, arachnids • dinosaur bones, animals • birds, minerals • dinosaurs, crocodiles, yabbies • live creature interactions • animals (wildlife exhibition), indigenous Australians • looking at animals, dinosaurs • skeletons • all the different species, loud noises • fun way to learn things - love it all! (especially

Aboriginal work) • animals (better if they weren't stuffed), dinosaurs • skeletons • Surviving Australia • the underwater exhibit (try to expand it if you can!) • the dinosaur bones

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report· plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (15)

Australian Museum evaluation report - Trailblazers: kids & apps

• dinosaurs • all the animals and the activities • the dinosaurs and the insects • the crystals • all the amazing exhibits • the dinosaurs • the dinosaurs, the bird section • really beautiful crystals & interesting facts, the

aboriginal display • The cafe and the dinosaur section • The whole point you can touch stuff • I like the interactive display and the insects • dinosaurs, Aboriginal section • crocodiles, animals in cages, dinosaur bones

(skeletons) • different displays, lots of animals, dinosaurs • birds • seeing animals and skeletons • the hands on stuff • variety of animals • animals • animals, dinosaurs, search & discover • Dinosaurs • rocks, eggs, birds, shells, animals • everything • everything • kids interactive activities. Hand on learning

• everything - there is always something new • everything (activity zone) • Interaction • Dinosaurs, crocodiles, snakes, spiders • the dinosaurs • It has reptiles and a lot of animals • I like most things. I like how they have the little

games and stuff around • It has lots of interesting things in it • It's really fun in Search & Discover • crocodiles, dinosaurs and Surviving Australia • The skeletons and the buildings history &

architecture • The accessibility of using tools or machines to see

what the exhibits are or actually touching and using some of the exhibits

• Warriors • All the exhibitions and displays • It's fun for kids, very informative, interesting • Dinosaur bones. Kids area - touch & do • It has lots of dinosaurs and it has my great

grandfather's mineral collection (Albert Chapman) • interesting, dinosaurs, skeleton room, stuff to do • science, discover new things each time • dinosaurs, animals • dinosaurs • history, displays, crystals, photography • animals in display, photography exhibition

Trailblazers: kids & apps evaluation report · plants vs zombies, ping pong, minecraft • too many to think of • Jurassic Park builder, Clash of Clans, Minecraft, Slug it Out • - [PDF Document] (2025)


Was the creator of PvZ fired? ›

Upon release in 2009, it became the best-selling game developed by PopCap. EA bought PopCap Games in 2011 and Fan was laid off after he insisted EA to not make "Plants vs. Zombies 2" pay-to-win in 2012. Fan started developing Octogeddon and submitted it to the 2012 Ludum Dare contest.

Why is PvZ bad? ›

PvZ3 holds the player's hand throughout the majority of the levels, not allowing them to experiment with any of the tools provided to them, and is instead forced to play how the level designer wanted them to, which creates a lack-luster and uninteresting experience.

Is PvZ safe for kids? ›

In conclusion, Plants vs Zombies is a safe game for kids to play. It does not have any chat features and is free from in-app purchases and advertisements that could be harmful to young players.

What is the highest damaging plant in PvZ? ›

Plants vs. Zombies 2
  • Peas deal 20 damage.
  • Gargantuars deal 1500 damage to some plants and plant-side zombies.
  • Cabbages deal 40 damage.
  • Bonk Choys deal 15 damage.
  • Big peas deal 600 damage.
  • Butter does 40 damage and temporarily paralyzes zombies hit.
  • Spikeweeds deal 10 damage.
  • Giant coconuts deal 1200 damage.

Is PvZ gw2 still alive? ›

In conclusion, while the question "Is PVZ Garden Warfare 2 dead?" may arise, the evidence suggests that the game is far from dead. With an active player community, regular updates, a competitive scene, and a loyal fan base, PVZ Garden Warfare 2 continues to thrive in the gaming landscape.

Why was PvZ BFN Cancelled? ›

They stopped as it didn't make enough money to stay afloat. While reviews and the hatred had lifted that they lifted it with a pinky. The game realeased same day it was announced.

Is PvZ2 a bad game? ›

Not as good as the first game. I say it's generic if you are used to the typical microtranscations and other mess in mobile games, bad if you aren't.

Why did PvZ fail? ›

However, the game faced many issues, such as bugs, glitches, balance problems, lack of content, and poor reception. Many players complained that the game deviated too much from the original formula, and that it was too focused on microtransactions and gacha mechanics.

Who is the main villain in PvZ? ›

Edgar George Zomboss, or simply Dr. Zomboss, is the main antagonist of the Plants vs. Zombies franchise.

Is Plants vs Zombies inappropriate? ›

Plants vs. Zombies is definitely cartoonish in the way the zombies are destroyed, they actually fall apart in a rather comical way. As the player advances, the game gets progressively more difficult, which may be why Common Sense rated it for older children.

What is Pvz 3 called? ›

Welcome to the neighborhood! We're beyond thrilled to announce that Plants vs. Zombies™ 3: Welcome to Zomburbia has soft launched! Players in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Australia, Philippines, and the Republic of Ireland will have early access, with more countries coming at a later date.

Is pvz 3 playable? ›

EA has revealed that Plants vs. Zombies 3: Welcome to Zomburbia (PvZ3) has soft-launched in select countries, including the UK, Netherlands, Australia, Philippines, and Ireland. Just like previous installments, PvZ3 is a tower defense game that tasks you with using animated plants to fend off a horde of zombies.

What plant kills the giant zombie? ›

Another way to take out a Gargantuar is to use two Gatling Peas and a Torchwood. It's possible to kill a Gargantuar without him throwing his Imp, by waiting for your regular plants to weaken him until he gets a patch on his arm, then using an instant kill shortly after.

What is a red-eyed gargantuar? ›

Giga-gargantuar is the second-strongest zombie in Plants vs. Zombies, after Dr. Zomboss. It is a Gargantuar with red eyes that is only seen in Survival: Endless, Survival: Day (Endless), Survival: Night (Endless), Survival: Fog (Endless), Survival: Roof (Endless), Co-op Endless, and Last Stand Endless (mobile only).

What is the hardest zomboss in pvz2? ›

Wild west zomboss is well know as being the hardest level in pvz2, there are many walk throughs and utube videos posted about this level. Useful tip is have boosted hypnoshrooms on your back row so any stray chickens turn into gargantuars on your side.

Why did PvZ remove Michael Jackson? ›

Zombies based on its view that the zombie too closely resembled Michael Jackson. After receiving this objection, PopCap made a business decision to retire the original 'dancing zombie. '"

Who is the owner of PvZ? ›

Zombies is a video game franchise developed by PopCap Games, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts (EA).

Why did Laura Shigihara leave PopCap? ›

In Plants vs. Zombies 2, Laura composed the music for Ancient Egypt. However, after that, she left PopCap after George Fan was laid off. A trailer for Pirate Seas, however, actually uses different music, which was composed by Laura seen here.

Why did George Fan leave? ›

He later left since he felt he could not keep up with the other programmers, and found it difficult to work with a large team.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.