8Q: The DIY Quantum Computer (2024)


The 8Q Computer is a linux-capable development board with an open-source, open-core 8 Qubit, Photonic Based General Purpose Quantum Processing Unit.

The 8Q Core QPU is room-temperature stable and designed to be built at home by amateur hackers who want to get into quantum computing on a budget.

The total cost of components is estimated to be between $8,000-10,000, although your mileage may vary, and the estimated size of the QPU built with 'macro' optical components is approximately 4'x3'.



Roadmap for the 8Q DIY Quantum Computer project

Adobe Portable Document Format - 54.06 kB - 07/06/2020 at 19:28



  • 152 × Beam Splitter Beam splitters of various types, used in all logic gates
  • 24 × LT1721 Comparator Used in the Faint Laser Single Photon Sources
  • 228 × Fiber Optic Connectors
  • 14 × Single-core, PM, shielded fiber optic cable Feet
  • 22 × MEMS Switch Assorted (1x2, 1x4)

Project Logs Collapse

  • A leap towards manufacturing?

    Noah Wood07/14/2021 at 20:09 0 comments

    I hope you all didn't forget about this project, I certainly haven't! I find I have more and more projects I want to work on and less and less time, but this, and my other quantum projects, are still my favorite ones.

    A few updates on what's been happening:

    1. Replaced CPU with a CoM board:
      1. Due to it being like pulling teeth trying to get chip specs, I've decided to go a different route for the digital portion utilizing the Congo A50-line of QSeven2.0 Computer on Module's to replace the Allwinner processor.
    2. Updated Schematics
    3. (Re)Created library and footprint files for quantum parts
      1. This would actually be a good beginner task for anyone interested in helping out, we need to make sure that all the components are utilizing the proper library and not the cached libs so that our project can remain portable.
      2. I'm considering creating a separate git with the actual components to make it easier to import them, but that'll be for a later time.
    4. Began Work on PCB layout
      1. YES! We are actually moving towards manufacturing our very own quantum computer!!!!!!
      2. The current target size is a standard 19x28" 1U Server Rack
    5. Began Working on Miniaturizing Components
      1. We are currently evaluating various methods of reducing the component scale and consolidating larger packages.

    Progress is definitely slower than when we first began as we march towards making a manufacturable product rather than just a pretty, theoretical-physics-themed wall-art, but the progress we do make here is also going to further our progress in our other projects- like QEDA and even our non-quantum offerings.

  • Delay in updates

    Noah Wood07/20/2020 at 09:44 0 comments

    Hey guys, sorry for the delay in updates, my development computer was running way too slow to get any meaningful work done (can you believe I designed this on a jailbroken chromebook with a modified linux kernel?), so this past week I've been building and configuring a beastly development computer (been fiddling to undervolt and OC the GPU and CPU, running benchmarks, etc.)

    Right now I'm setting up a new development environment, transferring files over from my old drive, etc. I'll be writing up a shell script for linux to create the development environment so if anyone wants to contribute they don't have to try and do it manually.

    I'm also starting a livestream at twitch.tv/SpookyMFG, it won't be all focused on this project, just a sort of general vlog of what I'm working on if anyone's interested.

  • Work To Be Done (8Q Core)

    Noah Wood07/06/2020 at 06:02 0 comments

    I've been working on this project in private for a fairly long time, there is quite a bit of work to be done especially on the documentation side as well as with making the components readily available, I think the best option is to start by re-formatting the existing documentation and theory of operation for the 8Q core processor, from there I need to create a new library for the logic gates and control circuitry in KiCAD.

    Making the computer linux ready I don't foresee taking incredibly long as I've made the decision to isolate the quantum circuitry entirely from the digital circuitry and communicate over some form of digital bus.

    I'm still debating whether to use the SPI to communicate with the quantum processing unit or if I should use the (much) faster (and much more complex) PCIe ports available on the H6.

    Going with the PCIe side of things, as the design improves and the materials used shrink down (currently the QPU is going to be the size of a small table!), it would be advantageous to have PCIe capabilities from the start, you'd be able to upgrade any existing PC with the QPU without making any major hardware changes. As far as performance and the like goes, there isn't really any major advantage to be achieved as we're expecting these to start off painfully slow.

    The ISA for the QPU is pretty much defined by the hardware and is a hard constraint, but if we want it to be compatible with existing quantum programming languages like e.g. OpenQASM, we need to do a little bit more to reduce the number of instructions required for the end user. This may also be a hard requirement due to the significant speed differences between the electrical and optical circuits. (Yes, electricity travels close to the speed of light, but not close enough for us to discount it entirely).

    Basically you need to send instructions to the QPU in incredibly tight time constraints, and the QPU needs to execute them similarly. This is particularly the case with controlled gates which need to fire ancillary photons so that they arrive simultaneously with the control and target qubits to reduce unwanted phase synchronization problems. To reduce these time constraints from angstroms to something more reasonable with macro-scale hardware, we've introduced delay loops which allow just enough time (on the order of ms) for the QPU control logic to execute a single instruction; we could increase the delay loops to allow for more instructions, but every increase in latency exponentially increases the error rate (which is bad). There's far too much to get into with this, but ultimately we need a simplified ISA for our QPU/CPU bridge.

    We also really should take the time to create an algorithm to determine success probabilities of a given algorithm to determine the number of times you need to repeat a given operation (and ultimately how long the operation will take), ideally this would be taken care of by the compiler, but given the fact we are working with exponential failure rates I think it would probably be very useful to have the QPU do some verification on its' own and raise a conditional error dependent on a flag so people don't inadvertently send a program that can't successfully be run in less than a reasonable time (e.g. several days).

    Finally, we need to write a compiler for our new ISA; I'm looking to target a reduced version of OpenQASM to start as it's the Quantum Assembly Language I'm most familiar with.

    Anywho, short summary of work to be done on the 8Q Core:

    • Reformat Documentation For Github/ReadTheDocs
    • Decide PCIe vs SPI
    • Create a Simplified Instruction Set Architecture For QPU/CPU Bridge
    • Upload KiCAD Libraries
    • Create Pre-Processing Success Probability Algorithms
    • Design QPU/CPU Bridge & QPU Controller

View all 3 project logs


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Esteban wrote 09/03/2021 at 04:00 point

Hello! Are you still working on this project? I would love to be able to buy one of these in the future.

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gbdb71 wrote 01/28/2021 at 15:19 point

Can Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) be used as single-photon sources in your project?
I am a profane, so be patient..

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Noah Wood wrote 01/29/2021 at 02:09 point

Unfortunately no, SiPMs are used to detect the photon, until an ideal SPS is commercially available we plan to use a faint laser (as spontaneous parametric down-conversion is much more difficult to achieve and not compatible with our current circuit layout).

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Deborishi Ganguly wrote 07/07/2020 at 10:43 point

Hey Noah, I am a complete newbie to the field of QC, but wouldn't you need all of these (the list is from the IBM Q page: https://www.ibm.com/quantum-computing/learn/what-is-quantum-computing) to make one?:

1Qubit Signal Amplifier: One of two amplifying stages is cooled to a temperature of 4 Kelvin.

2Input Microwave Lines: Attenuation is applied at each stage in the refrigerator in order to protect qubits from thermal noise during the process of sending control and readout signals to the processor.

3Superconducting Coaxial Lines: In order to minimize energy loss, the coaxial lines that direct signals between the first and second amplifying stages are made out of superconductors.

4Cryogenic Isolators: Cryogenic isolators enable qubits signals to go forward while preventing noise from compromising qubit quality.

5Quantum Amplifiers: Quantum amplifiers inside of a magnetic shield capture and amplify processor readout signals while minimizing noise.

6Cryoperm Shield: The quantum processor sits inside a shield that protects it from electromagnetic radiation in order to preserve its quality.

7Mixing Chamber: The mixing chamber at the lowest part of the refrigerator provides the necessary cooling power to bring the processor and associated components down to a temperature of 15 mK — colder than outer space.

I don't mean to be disrespectful Sir, but I am a little confused. It will be great to have a discussion on this.

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Noah Wood wrote 07/08/2020 at 13:22 point

Hi Deborishi,
So there are a few different ways to build a quantum computer. IBM uses the spin-state of atoms embedded in transistors. The way an atomic quantum computer typically works is the qubit is cooled down to just a few kelvin, radio waves which are tuned to the atom are then used to set the state of the qubit and perform the logical operations.

I believe D-Wave uses trapped ion (which I know almost nothing about), and there are almost certainly more methods being experimented with, but before all of these new technologies came about quantum mechanics was first discovered and experimented on using optics (photons).

20 years ago, physicists Knill, Laflamme, and Milburne developed a method of performing quantum computation using photons which became known as the KLM Protocol. Rather than using the spin-state of an atom it uses the polarization states of a photon (horizontal, vertical) which are separated into two modes H and V (representing the boolean 0 and 1, or the X and Y axis of the blochsphere). Rather than using radiowaves to perform the logical operations, we rely on optical components (mirrors, beam splitters, phase shifters, etc.)

The tldr;
IBM uses atomic quantum computing
We are using linear-optical quantum computing.

Here's some reading material on wikipedia that might help you understand a bit better:

Hope that helps :)

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Deborishi Ganguly wrote 07/08/2020 at 13:31 point

Absolutely! Thank you for the links, reviewing them now.

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Dan Maloney wrote 07/06/2020 at 20:21 point

That's quite a price tag, but I guess it's not that far off what homebrew computer people were spending back in the 70s when you adjust for inflation.

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Noah Wood wrote 07/07/2020 at 01:27 point

Yeah, a lot of the parts aren't mass-produced so you wind up paying premiums for engineering samples.

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8Q: The DIY Quantum Computer (2024)


Can a quantum computer be made at home? ›

Not yet. Right now, all qubit operations need to be done by hand, thus making execution of quantum circuits, which make the logic of quantum computation, very, very cumbersome.

How do quantum computers find the right answer? ›

Unlike conventional computers, the processing in quantum-based machines is noisy, which produces error rates dramatically higher than those of silicon-based computers. So quantum operations repeat thousands of times to make the correct answer stand out statistically from all the wrong ones.

How hard is it to make a quantum computer? ›

The quantum computer, first proposed in 1981 by the great physicist Richard Feynman, is yet to become a mainstream commercial product because it is proving extremely difficult to design and build. As you probably know, the quantum world is a weird one, exhibiting some very strange characteristics.

Can a quantum computer solve anything? ›

Quantum Computers Could Solve Countless Problems—And Create a Lot of New Ones. One of the secrets to building the world's most powerful computer is probably perched by your bathroom sink.

Has anyone built a quantum computer yet? ›

Quantum computers are being manufactured and used. But they cannot yet make the large-scale calculations that are expected to be possible in the future. You may be one of those waiting for the quantum computer, the arrival of which we have been told is imminent for several years.

Why can't we build a quantum computer? ›

Quantum computers are extremely sensitive to noise and errors caused by interactions with their environment. This can cause errors to accumulate and degrade the quality of computation. Developing reliable error correction techniques is therefore essential for building practical quantum computers.

How far are we from quantum computers? ›

The current field of quantum computers isn't quite ready for prime time: McKinsey has estimated that 5,000 quantum computers will be operational by 2030 but that the hardware and software necessary for handling the most complex problems won't be available until 2035 or later.

How fast can a quantum computer solve a problem? ›

Quantum computers have shown that they can process certain tasks exponentially faster than classical computers. In late 2019, Google claimed that it had managed to solve a problem that would take 10,000 years for the world's fastest supercomputer within just 200s using a quantum computer.

Why is quantum mechanics so hard? ›

Quantum mechanics is deemed the hardest part of physics. Systems with quantum behavior don't follow the rules that we are used to, they are hard to see and hard to “feel”, can have controversial features, exist in several different states at the same time - and even change depending on whether they are observed or not.

How much would a quantum computer cost? ›

Now for the burning question – how much do these darn things cost? Commercial quantum computers like D-Wave One with 50 qubits – $10,000,000. D-Wave's 2000 qubit quantum computer – $15 million. For every extra qubit in processing power – $10,000.

Can anyone own a quantum computer? ›

Of course you can if you have enough money for it and a large enough building to put it in with a suitable electrical supply. There are no laws or regulations controlling ownership of Quantum Computers.

Can a quantum computer create a universe? ›

Lloyd also postulates that the Universe can be fully simulated using a quantum computer; however, in the absence of a theory of quantum gravity, such a simulation is not yet possible.

What is the main problem with quantum computing? ›

One of the greatest challenges involved with constructing quantum computers is controlling or removing quantum decoherence. This usually means isolating the system from its environment as interactions with the external world cause the system to decohere. However, other sources of decoherence also exist.

Does Google actually have a quantum computer? ›

Astonishing capabilities of Google's quantum computer

Google's latest iteration of its quantum machine, the Sycamore quantum processor, currently holds 70 qubits.

Does NASA use quantum computer? ›

NASA's QuAIL team has extensive and experience utilizing near-term quantum computing hardware to evaluate the potential impact of quantum computing.

Can I own a quantum computer? ›

Can You Buy a Quantum Computer? Yes, it's possible to buy a quantum computer in 2023. However, quantum computers are not yet widely available to the general public and are currently very expensive and extremely difficult to manufacture.

How much does it cost to build a quantum computer? ›

By most estimates, a single qubit costs around $10K and needs to be supported by a host of microwave controller electronics, coaxial cabling and other materials that require large controlled rooms in order to function. In hardware alone, a useful quantum computer costs tens of billions of dollars to build.

Will there ever be a personal quantum computer? ›

It is unlikely that quantum computers will be available for home use in the next 20 years. Currently, quantum computers are highly specialized and expensive machines that require specialized knowledge to operate and maintain, and are only available to select researchers and organizations.

What are the materials needed to make a quantum computer? ›

Google's qubits are made of aluminum; IBM uses a mix of aluminum and niobium, the two most often used materials for this qubit type. A superconducting qubit is typically a tiny loop or line of metal that behaves like an atom—an inherently quantum object.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.