60 Australian Slang Words Only Real Aussies Use (Complete List) - Lets Learn Slang (2024)

Beach lovers and nature lovers will find that Australia is one of the best places to live. So, if you are planning on visiting the country soon, make sure you are packed with the right Australian slang so you could fit right in with the locals. Below, we provided 60 Australian slang words that will help you express yourself like a true Australian. Now, let’s learn about each of them.

Australian Slang Words & Phrases (Alphabetical Order)


A Cold One

  • Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase “a cold one” is an Aussie slang phrase for beer. Australians, and even other people from different parts of the world, love an iced cold beer after working hard throughout the day.
  • Example: Would you grab me a cold one after you’re finished in the kitchen?


  • Meaning: (Noun) Arvo is Australian slang or an abbreviation for the word “afternoon.”
  • Example: Don’t forget to go to the store in the arvo. I prepared a list for you.



  • Meaning: (Verb) The word “bail” means to leave without notice or to cancel plans the last minute. This Australian slang word is also commonly used in other countries, like the United States.
  • Example: You always bail on your friends!


  • Meaning: (Noun) Barbie, in Australia, is not a popular doll, like in the United States. When you hear a local say “barbie”, it means barbecue.
  • Example: Hey mate, let’s have a barbie on the weekend.


  • Meaning: (Noun) Bathers is another Aussie slang that means swimsuit, that is one of the most popular Aussie slang in the country.
  • Example: Don’t forget to pack your bathers because we’re going to the beach.


  • Meaning: (Noun) The word “billy” is not a person, but a teapot. When you have a teapot on the outback over the fire, it is called a billy. This word is another popular Aussie slang today.
  • Example: Hey mate, you left the billy outside overnight. Put it inside now.

Bloody Oath

  • Meaning: (Phrase) The term “bloody oath” is one of the most used Australian slang phrases because it means “very true.” It is used by everyone when they agree with someone.
  • Example: I know what you’re talking about. Bloody oath!


  • Meaning: (Noun) Bludger is a person who is lazy. This word is one of the most common Australian slang words used as an insult.
  • Example: You won’t succeed in life if you continue to be a bludger!

Booze Bus

  • Meaning: (Noun) A booze bus is a police vehicle that chases after drunk drivers for violating traffic laws. This Australian slang term is popular amongst teens and young adults.
  • Example: Careful! A booze bus might chase us.


  • Meaning: (Noun) Aussies refer to a liquor store as a bottle shop or Bottle-o. This Australian slang word for a bottle shop is mostly used by younger people.
  • Example: I’m heading out to the bottle-o. Do you want anything?


  • Meaning: (Noun) Brekky is Australian slang for breakfast. It is a shortened version of the word that we can also hear in other countries around the globe.
  • Example: Hey mate, what are you having for brekky? Do you want eggs and toast?


  • Meaning: (Noun) The word “bush” in Australian slang means getting away from civilization. Genuinely Australian words such as bush are only used by locals and are not that common outside the country.
  • Example: She’ll be right back. She just went out to the bush and will return tomorrow.



  • Meaning: (Noun) Chook is an Australian slang word for chicken. A chook refers to a live chicken, but there are pubs that use chook to refer to the cooked chicken they are selling.
  • Example: Why on earth would you want a pet chook?


  • Meaning: The Australian slang “Chrissie” means Christmas. The Christmas season is always a festive season no matter where you are.
  • Example: It’s almost Chrissie, yet we haven’t prepared for anything!


  • Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang word “cobber” is used to refer to a wonderful friend. This Aussie slang was derived from the word “chaber,” which is a Yiddish word for “comrade.”
  • Example: G’day cobber. Where are you heading to?


  • Meaning: (Expression) Crikey is an expression and Australian slang that is used when a person is surprised. The Aussie slang may be used in a positive or negative way.
  • Example: Crikey! I almost got bit by this weird-looking insect!



  • Meaning: (Noun) A dag, in Aussie slang, is a geek or a nerd. This word is derived from the early Australian slang that means a person with character.
  • Example: You are too funny for a dag.


  • Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang “daks” means trousers. Daks is a combination of the words “dad” and “slacks” because only men used to wear trousers,
  • Example: Did you get new daks? They look good on you.


  • Meaning: (Adverb) One of the most common Australian slang words used today is defo. This Australian slang is a shortened version of the word “definitely” and is used to give emphasis or agreement.
  • Example: I defo agree with you. Let’s stay at home this weekend.


  • Meaning: (Noun) A drongo is another popular Australian slang that refers to a fool or a stupid person.
  • Example: Keep acting like a drongo and face the consequences.


  • Meaning: (Noun) A dunny is an Australian slang that means toilet. This word came from the British English dialect that means “earth closet.” Before toilets were invented, people use the outdoors to relieve themselves.
  • Example: Is someone in the dunny? It’s been hours and I need to use it now.



  • Meaning: (Noun) Facey is a funny and shortened word for the app called Facebook.
  • Example: What’s your name on Facey? Let’s be friends!

Fair Dinkum

  • Meaning: (Expression) Fair dinkum is an expression that is the same as “honestly?” The Australian slang, fair dinkum, is used positively and negatively, depending on the situation.
  • Example: Fair dinkum! What do you think you are doing?!


  • Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang “footy” is a shortened name for football. Aussies have always been a fan of football.
  • Example: Let’s watch footy later. It will be live on television.



  • Meaning: (Expression) G’day is one of the Australian slang words used by everyone because it is a shortened version of “Good Day!” This word is pronounced by eliminating the letters o-o-d in “good”, making the phrase a single word.
  • Example: G’day mate! How are your wife and kids?


  • Meaning: (Expression) One of the most popular Australian slang words today is “Gnarly” which has a silent G. Gnarly means “awesome” and is used when a person agrees or expresses delight.
  • Example: Gnarly! Teach me how to ride a wave like that.

Going Off

  • Meaning: (Phrase) Going off as an Australian slang term differs from its American meaning. When visiting Australia, you’ll most likely hear this phrase, which means a person is busy.
  • Example: I’m going off now. There’s much to do!

Good on Ya

  • Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase “Good on ya” is one of many popular Australian slang phrases that is widely used in the country and means “good work.”
  • Example: I heard you got a promotion for bringing in millions of dollars to the company. Good on ya, mate!


Hard Yakka

  • Meaning: (Phrase) The word “Yakka” comes from the Indigenous language in Australia, “Yaga” which means “work.” The Australian slang words, such as Hard Yakka, is an expression used by many to congratulate a person for his or her hard work.
  • Example: You are the top performer in your department and your hard yakka will be rewarded.


  • Meaning: (Noun) Large amounts of objects that are piled together are called “heaps.” This word is one of the Australian slang words that is also used around the world and has the same meaning.
  • Example: Why do you have heaps of empty beer cans?



  • Meaning: (Noun) When you visit Australia, you will find plenty of unusual words like “knickers”, which is female underwear. Knickers are also widely used in British and North American countries, but with a different meaning.
  • Example: Fair dinkum! Why are your knickers lying on the floor? Put them in your hamper now.



  • Meaning: (Noun) Lappy is an Australian slang and a shortened word for “laptop.”
  • Example: Move your lappy somewhere else. It might get wet here on the dining table.


  • Meaning: (Noun) Lollies, in Australian slang, is any form of sweet treat, unlike in other countries, wherein lollies are a shortened word for lollipops.
  • Example: Can you grab a bunch of lollies when you go out today? It’s almost Halloween.



  • Meaning: (Noun) Maccas is Australian slang for McDonald’s. McDonald’s is a popular fast-food chain found in all parts of the world.
  • Example: I can’t eat Maccas again. We’ve been eating this for 3 days already!


  • Meaning: (Noun) In other countries, a mate is a person’s significant other or spouse. But, In North and South Australia, the word “mate” is slang for a friend.
  • Example: You are a fantastic mate!


  • Meaning: (Noun) Mozzie is an Australian version or shortened version of the word mosquito, which is abundant in the Australian outback.
  • Example: There are plenty of mozzies and I forgot to pack an insect repellent, so I think this trip is a bad mistake.


No Drama

  • Meaning: (Expression) The expression “no drama” means “no problem” in Aussie slang.
  • Example: No drama. If you really want to go to the fair, go. Just avoid the gambling game.

No Wuckas

  • Meaning: (Expression) The term “No wuckas” is Aussie slang for “no worries.”
  • Example: You forgot to bring your own food? No wuckas, mate!



  • Meaning: (Noun) The word “outback” is the innermost land in Australia, more remote than the bush. There is little to no civilization in this area.
  • Example: I want to explore the naked outback, but locals said it’s unsafe.



  • Meaning: (Verb) The word “Pash” is Australian slang for an action in which two people are about to kiss.
  • Example: We only had a bottle of beer before we started to pash.

Pissed Off

  • Meaning: (Adjective) The word “pissed off” is a vulgar way of saying you are annoyed or irritated by someone. It is Australian slang that many people from all over the world use.
  • Example: I’m pissed off by how you treated me last night!


  • Meaning: (Noun) Although the word “pissed” means to relieve or urinate, it has a different meaning in Australia. This word is slang for a person who is drunk or intoxicated.
  • Example: How come you’re so pissed with just a bottle of beer?



  • Meaning: (Verb) Reckon is Australian slang for “for sure.” It is used when a person is sure or agrees with another person’s statement.
  • Example: I reckon to agree with the idea of you going back to school.


  • Meaning: (Noun) The Aussie slang “rellie” is a shortened version of “relatives.”
  • Example: A rellie of mine will vacation here this summer.


  • Meaning: (Adjective) The word “rooted” in Australia is slang for something broken. In other countries, rooted means a person finally found a place to stay for good.
  • Example: My truck is rooted just up the road when I took a U-turn. Do you mind helping me?


  • Meaning: (Noun) Runners are Australian slang for sneakers or trainers since these shoes are made for running.
  • Example: I need a new pair of runners. Mine’s worn down.



  • Meaning: (Noun) In Australia, a sandwich is called a sanger.
  • Example: Did you bring the sanger I asked you to make?


  • Meaning: (Expression) In other places, the word “sick” refers to a person who is ill. But in Australia, it is a slang word for “awesome.” Today, “sick” is used by Millenials around the world.
  • Example: Wow, your surfboard’s sick! Where’d you get it?


  • Meaning: (Noun) Australians, just like everyone else, love to have a cold one after a tiring day. Sometimes, they buy cartons of beers when visiting a bottle shop. The Aussie slang for a carton of beers is slab.
  • Example: Can we bring a slab to the fish and chip shops we’re heading to?


  • Meaning: (Noun) A snag is Australian slang for “sausage.”
  • Example: Do you want a snag with your drink?


  • Meaning: (Adjective) The word “stoked” is Australian slang for happy or feeling pleased.
  • Example: I am stoked that you came today!


  • Meaning: (Noun) Straya is short for “Australia.” Most locals use this term when talking about their beloved country.
  • Example: we have the finest beaches here in Straya.


  • Meaning: (Noun) In Australia, the term “swag” is a roll up single bed. it ould also be a foldable bed.
  • Example: Put away the swag before the guests arrive.



  • Meaning: (Noun) Tea is Aussie slang for “dinner.” It is not the drink a person has that is made of plant leaves.
  • Example: Is tea ready? I’m starving.


  • Meaning: (Noun) Thongs in Australia are not stringy underwear. Thongs are slang for a pair of flip-flops.
  • Example: Do you need new thongs? I’m going to the flip-slops store this afternoon.

True Blue

  • Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase “True Blue” is what Aussies refer to natives or locals that are born and bred in the country.
  • Example: My family is true blue. We’ve been here for generations.


Up Yourself

  • Meaning: (Adjective) A stuck-up person is a person who thinks so highly of himself that he becomes a snob. This Australian slang is also used as an insult.
  • Example: We don’t like you coz you’re a stuck-up!


Woop Woop

  • Meaning: (Expression/Noun) A “Woop woop” is not a sound or cheer, but is a place in the middle of nowhere in Australia.
  • Example: We’re so far away from the city. Are we going to the woop woop?



  • Meaning: (Noun) The word “Ya” is Aussie slang for “You.”
  • Example: Would ya mind opening the door, please?

You Little Ripper

    • Meaning: (Expression) The expression “You little ripper!” is Australian slang that means “fantastic.”
    • Example: You built a tree house? You little ripper!

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Written by Gabriel Cruz - Foodie, Animal Lover, Slang & Language Enthusiast

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60 Australian Slang Words Only Real Aussies Use (Complete List) - Lets Learn Slang (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

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